Faridah's story:
'When I was growing up, there was no place we could use to bathe ourselves, so most of us would not bathe during the day. We would just wait for night hours to bathe, while hiding in darkness. My brothers and sisters would hide in the bushes at risk of being bitten by snakes. Our teachers told us that it was our job to teach our parents and develop a shared vision for a healthy and happy family. I learned how to construct a bathroom, a drying rack, to have a good kitchen, and a good latrine so to improve our health. Now there is good health at home, we eat a balanced diet. The problem of eating only cassava every day for a week is now history. The issue of bathing from the bushes at risk of being bitten by snakes is no longer there. I am proud of what I've accomplished in improving the health of my family. . .'
Eva's story: “
When I was 12 years old I was introduced to the visionary approach. My mother and I created a vision of the kind of house we wanted our family to have. My father, brothers and sisters added to our vision that they wanted to have food, security, good health and good nutrition. I showed them how to make a plan to achieve these things. As a result we planted eggplants, bananas, pineapples and reared some pigs to make more income. The money we used to buy those pigs was from selling our crops. We got more income and we started making bricks for the house and we sold some to buy cement. We made more bricks and sold them to buy iron bars and gravel and some timber to complete the house. It is still lacking shutters for the windows, so we look forward to increase our income and putting those shutters on the house. We have also started saving money.
Testimony from Ahimbisibwe Judith
I am Ahimbisibwe Judith; a senior two student aged 16 years. I am from BwikaraSub-county, Mairirwe parish in Igabiro village. Here I explain facts about my back home project.
I have a plantation of bananas and this has been because of URDT grils' school interventions by equipping us with knowledge of which has helped me to look after it very well. This has helped us to raise money for my requirements to come with at school and some of my brothers and sisters have been able to be in a good school now.
It has also helped me to acquire good and food security whereby though its drought season, we can still get food.
We have also planted coffee which we are sure of that within by the 2 years to come, we shall be in position to raise money that will help all my siblings to attain good and quality education. I also have hope that by next year, we shall be in a permanent house and thus good shelter. All this is an achievement and so I say long live URDT, Long live URDT Girls School!
Testimony from teacher Obed
My name is Ahimbisibwe Obed, a teacher at the URDTGirlsSchool. Since I joined this school as a teacher, I have been transformed from being an ordinary teacher to being a facilitator of change that is to say I am now looking at issues in a holistic manner. This is attributed to the teachers development workshops the school always organizes at every end of the term. A case in point is the last term's workshop; it was really very touching in a way that I learnt many facts about prevention of HIV/AIDS and Malaria.
This workshop was all about real life in our communities, the videos shown about different effects and signs of HIV/AIDS on human life were touching. This kind of knowledge was lacking to many of us especially signs of other sexually transmitted diseases and their subsequent impact on the life of an individual and community members.
I am really very grateful to the organizers of such workshops and the friends that supported this kind of workshop to take place especially Elimu Foundation. I pray that these workshops should continue being conducted for us and the community at large. Thanks