URDT Girls School

The URDTGS started in 2000 to address a need of orphaned and other vulnerable girls for transformational education in Kibaale District. Although the Government provides universal primary and secondary education, their schools lack the capacity and vision of preparing students and their families for a good and happy life in a rural setting and become responsible citizens. The URDTGS demonstrates that its 2-generation approach leads to more prosperity, health and peace in the homes of the students.


The URDTGS' mission is to provide disadvantaged and talented girls and their homes with transformational and value based education that shapes character and personality, and creates excellence, prosperity, health, peace, freedom and happiness".

The school is a not for profit institution that offers education to girls and their families that are unable to provide most of the basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, clean safe water and education. The girl's potential talents are assessed through specially designed interviews and home visits. 


The URDTGS uniquely links education to home and community development.  By actively involving the parents through functional adult literacy training, it reduces the knowledge gap between the 2 generations. The 2-generation approach improves family cooperation and enhances a shared vison and desire to collectively work towards self reliance, food security, sustainable income, tolerance, gender equity and happines in the homes of the students

Doneren aan de meisjes school

Ben je onder de indruk van het verhaal van de URDT meidenschool en zou je willen bijdragen aan dit unieke initiatief?

  • Je kunt direct een donatie overmaken!


  • Eenmalige giften en maandelijkse donaties zijn meer dan welkom. Onze bank gegevens zijn:

Stichting Elimu Foundation

IBAN: NL39RABO0335.9633.15



  • Dankzij de persoonlijke betrokkenheid van ons bestuur kan Elimu garanderen dat elke eurocent die je op onze bank rekening stort op de beoogde plek terecht komt
  • Giften aan de Stichting zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar want we zijn erkend bij de belasting dienst als charitatieve (ANBI) instelling.
  • Je kunt je aanmelden als vrijwilliger in Uganda. Als je de juiste achtergrond hebt en het lijkt je geweldig om een paar weken of maanden op het Ugandese platteland te wonen en te werken in primitieve omstandigheden, dan ben je van harte welkom op de URDT campus. Voor meer informatie neem contact op met ons bestuurs lid ter plekke Alida.
  • Je kunt je aanmelden als vrijwilliger bij onze Stichting, bijvoorbeeld om je eigen fondswervings-actie op touw zetten. Diverse scholen en ook mensen die zelf in Uganda zijn geweest hebben dit al succesvol gedaan. Heb je praktische informatie nodig, Ugandese spullen, hulp voor een ludieke aktie of een leuke lezing? Neem dan contact op met Alida.


Education Challenges in Uganda

The Government of Uganda has made major strides in social reforms. Examples are the Universal Primary Education (UPE), which has more than doubled enrolment at primary school levels, and its Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). Political reforms, anticorruption efforts, decentralization policies all add to the impressive performance of the country in the past decade. However, the quality of education in the district schools is still very poor. In the yearly countrywide examinations, the top 50 schools in Uganda are all located in urban centres, and the top 500 pupils, many of whom are actually girls, come from well-educated middle or higher class families. Most rural based schools don't have enough funds. Therefore they are understaffed, overcrowded and students are just drilled to pass the exams. The students are not sufficiently capacitated to become self learning, responsible and competent citizens.

Although there is a growing concern of the need to focus priority on disadvantaged groups like youth and women, the overall attitude towards girl child education still not very positive and girls suffer more from poor teaching standards than boys. This is especially true in rural areas, and more so in peripheral and marginalised districts like Kibaale. As a result, the enrolment, retention, transition, and completion rates of girl-child education lag behind boy education. Kibaale District schools always rank in the lowest range of performance, compared to other districts. In 1999 in Kibaale the drop out rate for girls from primary schools was 32%. The primary leaving (P7) results for 2001 revealed that students from schools in Kibaale district have performed the worst compared to all districts in Uganda. In 2007 it ranked number 50. The URDT Girls School (UGS)’s mission spells out a fundamental difference with other rural schools where one deals with literacy in the conventional sense and students are primarily prepared to pass academically oriented exams.