With over 350 entries from all over Africa, URDT have done exceptionally well to be named as one of the top winners in the competition. Its unique and entrepreneurial approach to education meant that it caught the judges' attention even despite this being the most competitive competition to date. Below the letter of the Chairman URDT.
Dear friends,
We are delighted to let you know that URDT was amongst the 3 winners of the Pan-African Awards 2011 received from Teach A Man To Fish Foundation- UK. They acknowledge our contribution to developing an education model that pays for itself. 
We became second after a project in Nigeria.
We like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the moral, financial and human support rendered by individuals and organisations that believe in URDT's 2-generation approach to education.
Without your commitment and the hard work of our staff, we would not have been able to develop our methodology to change the quality of lives of thousands of people in Uganda and therefore receive this prestigious award.
The struggle continues, but today we pause and celebrate our mile stones & this success.
Warmest regards,
Dr Mwalimu Musheshe
Chairman URDT