Wilde Ganzen helpt met huizen bouwen

WildeGanzenLogoStichting Elimu Foudation (SEF) kreeg in 2017 het verzoek van de URDTGS voor een bijdrage van ongeveer 83.000 euro voor het bouwen van leraren woninigen. Het bestuur heeft toen een fondsenwervingsplan gemaakt en contact gezocht met Wilde Ganzen (WG). Dit project is nu successvol afgerond. Klik hier voor een kort verslag. 

Queen of Katwe inspireert URDTGS

Het was muisstil in de hal met 300+ meiden toen Phiona Mutesi haar verhaal vertelde.

Ze hadden net samen de indrukwekkende Disney film 'Queen of Katwe' bekeken. Dat meisje in de film leek echt veel op hunzelf!

Brieven URDTGS overhandigd aan Koningin Beatrix

De Girlschool studenten zijn dit jaar 'de stem van de kinderen van Afrika' tijdens het 10-jarig jubileum van Earth Charter gevierd in het Vredespaleis te Den Haag. 




School wint 'changemaker' prijs

Een belangrijke prijs van Ashoka International voor sociaal ondernemerschap en toegepast onderwijs in Oost Afrika

The URDT Girls School was recognised by Ashoka as one of the innovative social enterprises that equips students as changemakers in their homes and communities.

In July 2014, the Change Leaders Dr Mwalimu Musheshe and Mrs Alida Bakema-Boon participated in the Ashoka Changemaker Summit in Nairobi to receive the recognition on behalf of URDT.

Amongst the over 200 participants were social entrepreneurs and business people from Kenya, Uganda and Ashoka representatives and fellows from USA, India, Egypt, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya.

How did Ashoka select the school?

Earth Charter Preparations

URDT Girls are preparing for the participation of the URDTGS in the 10th anniversary of the Earth Charter (EC). Its motto is: It starts with one.   Amongst others, it aims to create a vision for the future and inspire all to take action. 

URDT students join Ashoka Youth Venture


On 13th July 2013, 15 students from URDT founded institutions participated in the Youth Inspire event organised by the Ashoka Youth Venture East Africa programme (AYVEA) in Kampala.

  • URDT had developed a culture to support its students to identify a societal vision and support communities to design paths to attain them. Hence joining this new programme was a logical next step.
  • The 14 female and 1 male students from URDT Girls School, African Rural University and URDT Institute shared their experiences to start a social venture, their social aspirations and networked with the other 18 aspiring young change makers.
  • They were inspired to grow their ideas to the next level.
  • The students were excited to join Ashoka's Youth Venture as it is the largest network of social entrepreneurs worldwide. Nearly 3,000 Ashoka Fellows in 70 countries putting their system changing ideas into practice.
  •  The Youth Inspire event was blessed by Hon. Nabugere Flavia, the Minister of State for Environment

Students and parents energized to become peace creators.

What happened? In April, the URDT Girls' School embarked on a series of workshops for the teachers, students and parents on the theme: 'my contribution to peace in my home and community'. The process raised a lot energy for action for peace. The participants defined peace beyond the absence of war. They agreed that a 'peaceful me' includes a situation where not only 'me' but also others, like my neighbour and other villagers have food security, education, sustainable income, shelter and good health.

 What else was discussed?


URDT wins Teach a Man to Fish Award

With over 350 entries from all over Africa, URDT have done exceptionally well to be named as one of the top winners in the competition. Its unique and entrepreneurial approach to education meant that it caught the judges' attention even despite this being the most competitive competition to date.  Below the letter of the Chairman URDT.

Dear friends,

We are delighted to let you know that URDT was amongst the 3 winners of the Pan-African Awards 2011 received from Teach A Man To Fish Foundation- UK. They acknowledge our contribution to developing an education model that pays for itself.

We became second after a project in Nigeria.

We like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the moral, financial and human support rendered by individuals and organisations that believe in URDT's 2-generation approach to education.

Without your commitment and the hard work of our staff, we would not have been able to develop our methodology to change the quality of lives of thousands of people in Uganda and therefore receive this prestigious award.

The struggle continues, but today we pause and celebrate our mile stones & this success.

 Warmest regards,

 Dr Mwalimu Musheshe

Chairman URDT 

Triodos Bank steunt URDT GS

De Stichting Triodos Foundation, een onderdeel van de ideele Triodos Bank, steunt de URDT meiden school in Uganda. Lees meer..

Training door Nederlands bouwteam een succes

Machiel vertelt over NederlandDe evaluatie

Op vrijdag 22 oktober om 4 uur 's middags begon de laatste stap van het trainings programme door het Bouw team voor de URDT onderhoudsstaf en studenten van de ambachts school.

Meer dan 300 mensen van de verschillende URDT onderwijs instellingen waren daarvoor in de grote hal bijelkaar gekomen. 

Machiel geeft een inleiding by een filmpje over de Nederlandse cultuur (zie foto). Dat voel goed in de smaak. 


Welke techische kennis is verbeterd?

URDT Girls run Kagadi Marathon

235 young women under the age of 19 gathered at a makeshift start line ready to embark on a 14 kilometer race to raise funds for impoverished children in their community.  Initiated by the young woman themselves, it was a bold and heroic act of altruism. But these are not ordinary girls, nor was this an ordinary race.  The sun that day was mercilessly hot, the girls, some as young as ten, had no experience in distance running and, most notably of all, the vast majority of runners had no shoes.  Read more.....